
Jeff has 25 years experience advising and representing unions and employees in the broad fields of labour and employment law. He was formerly a co-leader of the firm's Labour practice group. He is recognized by his peers as one of the "Best Lawyers in Canada" in the areas of labour and employment law.

Jeff appears before the Ontario Labour Relations Board, the Canada Industrial Relations Board, the Superior Court of Justice and Court of Appeal, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal, at arbitration hearings and inquests.

Jeff's work for unions includes advice and representation for organizing applications, unfair labour practice complaints, successorship and sale of business matters, injunction applications, constructive industry labour law, internal union organizational advice and disciplinary matters.

Jeff represents non-union employees, managers, executives and professionals in a range of matters, including wrongful dismissal, compensation, competition, human rights and harassment claims and investigations.

Jeff also practices in the fields of professional regulation, privacy/access to information, and occupational health and safety.

Jeff is a member of the Administrative Law Section Executive of the Ontario Bar Association for which has served as the Public Affairs Liaison. He is also a Past Chair of the Labour and Employment Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association.

Jeff has extensive experience dealing with the accommodation of the disabled in the workplace. He was counsel in a number of leading cases in the field of workplace drug and alcohol testing. Jeff was pro bono counsel for the complainant and the intervenor, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, in the Entrop v. Imperial Oil case which recognized alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse as a handicaps under Ontario's Human Rights Code and held that random workplace drug testing may be discriminatory. Jeff was also union counsel in the Sarnia Cranes case where the Ontario Labour Relations Board struck down the employer's alcohol and drug testing policy.

Jeff speaks and has authored a number of articles about labour relations matters, privacy and drug testing. He is the author of the Second Edition of Labour Relations Board Remedies In Canada published by Canada Law Book. For years he assisted George Adams with the publication of the leading text Canadian Labour Law. As well, Jeff's interest in law reform and public policy development led to his appointment as a counsel for George Adams in the public consultation he conducted for the Ontario Government concerning Ontario's Special Investigations Unit which investigates police action resulting in death or serious injury.

Jeff brings to the firm his experience as a journalist and an active member of the Southern Ontario Newspaper Guild. In that role he was involved in organizing, negotiations, acting as a steward and executive officer as well as being a trade union delegate to the maquiladora trade zone, Mexico and to Nicaragua.

Jeff received his LLB from the University of Ottawa, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from McMaster University. Prior to that he attended Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean as an Officer Cadet in the Canadian Armed Forces during which time he also competed basic officer training and basic pilot training before returning to civilian life.


  • Call to the Ontario Bar, 1994

  • University of Ottawa Faculty of Common Law, LLB, 1992

  • McMaster University, Bachelor of Arts, 1983

  • Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, 1976-1978


  • Canadian Bar Association and Ontario Bar Association

  • Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers 

Best Lawyers Award Badge


  • "Best Lawyers in Canada" in Labour & Employment Law, rated by his peers

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